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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Pelican Harbor Marina (North Bay Village, Florida )

Fact Sheet and Position

  • Address: 1279 NE 79th Street Causeway, Miami, FL 33138, Estados Unidos.
  • Radio channel: 16Radio channel
  • Moorings: 120 moorings
  • Draught max: 3.00 meters
  • Length max: 50.00 meters
  • Latitude:: 25° 50.91' N
  • Longitude:: 80° 9.86' W
  • Help us to improve the port information
25.849357624779735 -80.16207277774812 12


The marina in United States in the city of North Bay Village has a highly varied range of services available to its customers, which include water, electricity and gas station.. It is a marina with moderate capacity for medium size boats, taking into account the number and size of its moorings (max. length: 50.00 – max. draught: 3.00)..

In addition to coming by boat, you can also reach the marina by air, given the short distance between the marina and the nearest airport.


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Harbor Master Harbor Master
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Ramp Ramp
If you have any questions call us at
(+1) 305 754 93 30; (305) 751-9840

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