Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Hillarys Boat Harbour (Hillarys, Westaustralien )

Merkmale und Lage

-31.824827194213867 115.73725128173828 12


Der Seehafen Hillarys Boat Harbour befindet sich in Hillarys (Australien). Die Benutzer können seine Reihe von Dienstleistungen bsitzt. Since opening in 1988, Hillarys Boat Harbour has been a premier recreational destination for Perth locals and visitors. In addition to boat pens, the Harbour offers a wide range of restaurants, attractions, activities, shops, and services catering to fishermen, boaters, beach goers, tourists and local residents. With more than 2700 car parking bays, convenient cycle paths, walkways, and parklands for public use, Hillarys Boat Harbour is an exciting and unique destination to spend a day with your family and friends.


  • Trinkwasser Trinkwasser
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Elektrizität Elektrizität
  • Rampe Rampe
  • Feuerschutzmassnahmen Feuerschutzmassnahmen
  • Umkleidekabinen Umkleidekabinen
  • Überwachung Überwachung
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