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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The marina Burlington City Dock Marina is located in Burlington (United States). .

Well connected and not only accessible by sea, it is also close to the nearest airport.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: 1 King Street Burlington, Vermont. 5401
Radio channel: 9
Moorings: 100 moorings
Latitude:: 44° 28.42' N     Longitude:: 73° 13.24' W
Draught max: 5.00 meters     Length max: 9.00 meters

The most recent comments about Burlington City Dock Marina

Hi, My sister will be sailing on Lake Champlain during her vacations and she invited me aboard for a few days (a week?). She suggested that we meet in Burlington Marina. As I will be driving from Montréal, QC, do you know if there is a parking nearby the marina where I can leave my car for that period of time ? If so, where is it located ? Would you know the price per day (24 hours) ? Many thanks for your help ! Michèle


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