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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The dock former Adriatica 110m long is the rafts in front of the channel Giiudecca, in one of the liveliest areas in the city. Increasingly commanders decide to return to moor their yachts on Adriatica especially for privacy and the atmosphere typically Venetian. For lovers of peace the Adriatic is the 'mooring ideal as it is isolated from the ground with a gate dedicated citizen. L 'Adriatic is the only dock for yachts ISPS in the historic center equipped with columns from which you can stock up on water and electricity. (125ah - 250Ah) Immersed in the city center, the 'Adriatic is the' ideal for visiting the numerous churches, museums and galleries in the area. The Dorsoduro with Zattere and Campo Santa Margherita just minutes are very popular with skippers and crews who want to take advantage of the many bars and restaurants in the area.

Fact Sheet and Position

Radio channel: No available
Moorings: 100 moorings
Latitude:: 45° 25' S     Longitude:: 12° 19' W
Draught max: 3.00 meters     Length max: 24.00 meters

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