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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Porto di Pozzallo is located South Sicily, in Ragusa city, Italy. The port is divided into two areas called Commercial Port and Small Port. The latter, is located North the port area and is intended to recreational crafts. The marina is protected by two springs that hold a basin with floating pontoons. The maximum draft within the mooring area can vary between 2.5 and 3.5 meters deep and allows boats up to 15 meters. As for the services offered by the marina they include water, fuel, crane, ramp and dry dock for repair work. Since the transit space for mooring is limited, reservations are recommended in advance before visiting the marina.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Via P. Mascagni, 297016, Pozzallo, Sicilia, Italy.
Radio channel: 13
Moorings: 120 moorings
Latitude:: 36° 43.0969' N     Longitude:: 14° 49.9956' W
Draught max: 3.50 meters     Length max: 15.00 meters


  • Harbor Master Harbor Master
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Crane Crane
  • Ramp Ramp
  • Towing Towing
  • Shipyard Shipyard
  • Carpentry Carpentry

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