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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Porto Mannu is located within the Port of Stintino, in Tanca Manna town, Sardinia, Italy. It is a medium-capacity port with 300 berths for boats and yachts up to 15 meters long. This marina offers basic services such as water and electricity at their moorings, as well as security and gas station in the port area. The proximity to town allows access to a wide range of complementary services as bars, restaurants and shops. Count on our exclusive mooring booking service for easy access to this port.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Comune di Stintino V. Torre Falcone, 5 Stintino, Sardegna
Radio channel: 9
Moorings: 300 moorings
Latitude:: 40° 56' N     Longitude:: 8° 13' W
Draught max: 2.50 meters     Length max: 15.00 meters


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Waste collection Waste collection
  • Fire procedures Fire procedures
  • Dressing rooms Dressing rooms
  • Security Security

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