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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The buoys Fornelli field is located in the Asinara National Park on the eastern side of the island along with other fields operated by Asinara Marina. Its location, from south to north, apart from Fornelli is the southernmost, are Cala Reale, Punta Trabuccato, Cala del Bianco and Cala d'Oliva.
Make a total of 63 mooring buoys that allow many other ships, several to each buoy.
Approaching Cala Reale, be very careful about reefs dry surface extending from a great beacon light to the southeast for nearly a mile. The dry and reported on all lists of the reference area.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address:  Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
Radio channel: No available
Moorings: 8 moorings
Latitude:: 40° 59' N     Longitude:: 8° 14' W
Draught max: 0.50 meters     Length max: 20.00 meters

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