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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The marina in Greece in the city of Irákleion has a highly varied range of services available to its customers, which include water and electricity.. . If you are looking for a port with nautical services, Iraklion has some available.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Desconocida
Radio channel: 12
Moorings: 5 moorings
Latitude:: 35° 20.7' N     Longitude:: 25° 8.6' E
Draught max: 10.00 meters     Length max: 9.00 meters


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Market Market
  • Service station Service station

The most recent comments about Iraklion

Good morning. Thank you for contact with Portbooker. Please email us at indicating the dates, the data of your boat (vessel type, length and beam), the port where you want to make the reservation and providing us one mail or a contact number where we can send the budget. Thank you very much


I would appreciate six and twelve month mooring prices for 2014 season. Boat details...LOA 10.25mtr Beam 3.25mtr Draft 1.8mtr. Best regards and thank you. Darrell.


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