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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Port Isigny-sur-Mer is localed in France and all guests who moor there will have access to very basic services, such as water, electricity and dressing rooms. This marina has 50 moorings for boats with a maximum length of up to 24.00 m and a maximum draught of 3.00 m. Port Isigny-sur-Mer allows its clients to work on the spliway or pull their boat into the water, as it has a travelift 40 tons

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Marina d´Isigny-sur-Mer Quai Neuf 14230 Isigny-sur-Mer
Radio channel: 9
Moorings: 50 moorings
Latitude:: 49° 19.2489' N     Longitude:: 1° 6.1008' W
Draught max: 3.00 meters     Length max: 24.00 meters


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Crane Crane
  • 35 Tn 35 Tn
  • Dressing rooms Dressing rooms

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