Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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A picturesque fishing village popular with visitors, many of whom are drawn by its reputation as the \"oyster capital\" of Brittany. Though a small town, it is well served by a large number of restaurants, many specialising in seafood. When not eating one can sit and watch the bustle of this busy little town with many stalls selling crustaceans of all types.

Merkmale und Lage

Adresse: Mairie de Cancale 35260 CANCALE
Radiosender:: Nicht verfügbar
Liegeplätze: 140 Liegeplätze
Latitude:: 48° 40' N     Longitude:: 1° 51' W
Tiefgang max: 5.00 meter     Schiffslänge max: 30.00 meter


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