7 Marinas in The Marches (Italy)
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Stamura is a yacht club with a strong relevance in education, targeting all kinds of sports, especially sailing. The...
Club Vela Portocivitanova
Portocivitanova sailing club is located in Civitanova Marche, a town and commune aprovincia Italian...
Darsena Le Cinque Vele
Dock Le Cinque Vele is a sports center located between Porto Recanati and Potenza Picena, a perfect place to moor you...
Porto turistico Tiziano di San Benedetto del Tront
Over 180 kilometers of coastline it is possible to tie in nine marinas, spread throughout the region. The total capac...
Marina Dorica
Near the city of Ancona, in Italy, the Doric Marina has all the services necessary to meet the most demanding masters ...
Marina dei Cesari
The marina Marina dei Cesari is located in Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino (Italy). All guests who moor there will have ...
Marina di Porto San Giorgio
The marina Marina di Porto San Giorgio is located in Ascoli Piceno (Italy). All guests who moor there will have access...