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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Porto turistico Tiziano di San Benedetto del Tront


Yacht details

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Over 180 kilometers of coastline it is possible to tie in nine marinas, spread throughout the region. The total capacity of about 5,000 berths. The tourist port of San Benedetto has a Yacht Club, which offers the possibility of renting boats and many other activities related to the sea. The port of San Benedetto del Tronto has awarded the prestigious Blue Flag.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address:  Viale Marinai d'Italia 14, San Benedetto del Tronto
Radio channel: No available
Slips: 100 slips
Latitude:: 43° 18' N     Longitude:: 13° 53' W
Draught max: 5.00 meters     Length max: 20.00 meters

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