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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Porto Scario (Salerno, Campania)

Fact Sheet and Position

  • Address: Scario- frazione San Giovanni a Piro, Salerno
  • Radio channel: 0Radio channel
  • Slips: 160 slips
  • Draught max: 5.00 meters
  • Length max: 60.00 meters
  • Latitude:: ° '
  • Longitude:: ° '
  • Help us to improve the port information
40.05263493807319 15.496838092803955 12


Porto Scario is a popular tourist spot located along the Gulf of Policastro, in the hamlet of the same name San Giovanni a Piro. It is divided into an outer dam of 260 meters and an inner breakwater of about 80 meters, plus a pier 210 meters. The final of the 60 meters are reserved for recreational activities as well as other areas operated by some cooperatives private jetty.
A beacon of white light located on the south beach provides access to the port, although not clearly visible for those coming from the west. Among the services offered there is also a waterslide, the port is well protected from wind west, but is exposed to the sirocco and north wind, even in summer.


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Electricity Electricity
    If you have any questions call us at
    0974/983007; 3334242861

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