- Adres:
Ijzer 55
8620, Nieuwpoort - Radiozender:: 9
- Ligplaatsen: 200 Ligplaatsen
- Diepgang max: 2.00 meter
- Lengte max: 6.00 meter
- Breedte:: ° '
- Lengte:: ° '
- Help ons te verbeteren poort informatie
51.13383483886719 2.748500108718872 12
The marina VVW Westhoek vzw is located in Nieuwpoort (Belgium). Its users may take advantage of its basic basic range of services. It is a marina with moderate capacity for small size boats, taking into account the number and size of its moorings (max. length: 6.00 – max. draught: 2.00). .
This marina has a complementary selection of nautical activities, so you can practice a number of different sea-related sports. Well connected and not only accessible by sea, it is also close to the nearest airport.
- Sportactiviteiten