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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Vaucluse Amateur 12ft Sailing Club (Watsons Bay, Nieuw-Zuid-Wales)


  • Adres: Wharf Road, VAUCLUSE. PO Box 6
  • Radiozender:: 0Radiozender:
  • Ligplaatsen: 70 Ligplaatsen
  • Diepgang max: 5.00 meter
  • Lengte max: 20.00 meter
  • Breedte:: 33° 50' S
  • Lengte:: 151° 16' E
  • Help ons te verbeteren poort informatie
-33.846466064453125 151.2794647216797 12


The marina in Australia in the city of Watsons Bay has a highly varied range of services available to its customers, which include water and electricity.. It is a marina with moderate capacity for large size boats, taking into account the number and size of its moorings (max. length: 20.00 – max. draught: 5.00).. For those who are concerned about the environment, the marina includes all of the services that are needed for eco-friendly sailing. This is reflected in the various official certificates it has earned.


  • Drinkbaar water Drinkbaar water
  • Bar / Restaurant Bar / Restaurant
  • Elektriciteit Elektriciteit
  • Helling Helling
  • Afvalinzameling Afvalinzameling
  • Bilge collectie Bilge collectie
  • Restwater Restwater
  • Kleedkamers Kleedkamers
  • Beveiliging Beveiliging
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