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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Tom Ugly´s Bridge Marina (Sylvania, Nieuw-Zuid-Wales)


  • Adres: 5 Princes Hwy, Sylvania, NSW 2224
  • Radiozender:: 0Radiozender:
  • Ligplaatsen: 120 Ligplaatsen
  • Diepgang max: 5.00 meter
  • Lengte max: 20.00 meter
  • Breedte:: 34° 0' S
  • Lengte:: 151° 6' E
  • Help ons te verbeteren poort informatie
-34.004638671875 151.11126708984375 12


The marina in Australia in the city of Sylvania has a highly varied range of services available to its customers, which include water and electricity.. It is a marina with moderate capacity for large size boats, taking into account the number and size of its moorings (max. length: 20.00 – max. draught: 5.00).. It is worth pointing out the environmental policy of this marina, which has all of the necessary waste collection services. It was not in vain that it has been awarded the relevant environmental quality certification.

Well connected and not only accessible by sea, it is also close to the nearest airport.


  • Drinkbaar water Drinkbaar water
  • Bar / Restaurant Bar / Restaurant
  • Elektriciteit Elektriciteit
  • Helling Helling
  • Afvalinzameling Afvalinzameling
  • Bilge collectie Bilge collectie
  • Restwater Restwater
  • Kleedkamers Kleedkamers
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