Reserveer uw ligplaats

The Quays Marina (Mona Vale, Nieuw-Zuid-Wales)


  • Adres: 1856 Pittwater Road, Church Point. Australia.
  • Radiozender:: 0Radiozender:
  • Ligplaatsen: 95 Ligplaatsen
  • Diepgang max: 7.00 meter
  • Lengte max: 20.00 meter
  • Breedte:: 33° 39' S
  • Lengte:: 151° 17' E
  • Help ons te verbeteren poort informatie
-33.65022659301758 151.28948974609375 12


In Mona Vale (Australia), you will find this marina. This moderate-capacity marina has moorings for large size, because it has moorings for boats with a maximum length of up to 20.00 m and a maximum draught of 7.00 m. It includes a highly varied range of services available to its customers. The basic needs of its customers will be well met, because it has water and electricity. Proximity to an airport means that this marina is also accessible by air.


  • Sportactiviteiten Sportactiviteiten
  • Drinkbaar water Drinkbaar water
  • Bar / Restaurant Bar / Restaurant
  • Havenmeester Havenmeester
  • Elektriciteit Elektriciteit
  • Tankstation Tankstation
  • Helling Helling
  • Kleedkamers Kleedkamers
  • Beveiliging Beveiliging
  • Certificaat van de middelen Certificaat van de middelen
Als u nog vragen bel ons op
02 9997 2800

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