- Adres:
The Harbour
KA22 8DB - Radiozender:: 80
- Ligplaatsen: 250 Ligplaatsen
- Diepgang max: 5.00 meter
- Lengte max: 30.00 meter
- Breedte:: 55° 38.4' N
- Lengte:: 4° 49.1' W
- Help ons te verbeteren poort informatie
In Barrhill (United Kingdom), you will find this marina. It is a marina with medium capacity for super yacht size boats, taking into account the number and size of its moorings (max. length: 30.00 – max. draught: 5.00). It includes a complete range of services available to its customers. For those who would like to carry out maintenance work or need to repair their boat, the marina Clyde Marina has a travelift for boats up to 50 tons. The basic needs of its customers will be well met, because it has water, electricity and gas station.. The marina also has nautical services available.
Well connected and not only accessible by sea, it is also close to the nearest airport.
- Drinkbaar water
- Bar / Restaurant
- Elektriciteit
- Tankstation
- Kraan
- Was
- Travelift
- 50 Tn
- Afvalinzameling
- Markt
- Service station
- Scheepswerf
- Kleedkamers
- Beveiliging