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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Glen Cove Marina (“GCM”) is located on Long Island’s Gold Coast just 20 miles from New York City and five miles from open waters. The property contains a total of 306 wet slips, land storage, a restaurant, fuel docks, offices, tackle shop, bathroom and showers. In addition, the marina has a full-service shop available to take care of your every need - from mechanical repairs, to fiberglass and hull painting.

Caratteristiche e Posizione

Indirizzo: Glen Cove Marina 76 Shore Road Glen Cove, NY 11542
Canale radio:: Non disponibile
Posti barca: 306 Posti barca
Latitudine: 40° 51' N     Lunghezza: 73° 38' W
Pescaggio max: 4.00 metri     Lunghezza max: 20.00 metri


  • Bar/ Ristorante Bar/ Ristorante
  • Distributore di benzina Distributore di benzina
  • Spogliatoi Spogliatoi
  • Carpenteria Carpenteria
  • Boat Store Boat Store

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