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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Le marina Hout Bay Yacht Club Marina se situe dans la localité de Cape Town (Afrique du Sud). Tous ceux qui y amarrent pourront jouir des services de base comme eau e electricité. Ses utilisateurs pourront bénéficier de ses très variée gamme de services. .


Caractéristiques et Position

Adresse: Hout Bay, Cape Town, Sudáfrica, Postal: PO Box 26173, 7872 Hout Bay, Sudáfrica
Canal radio: 71
Amarres: 100 amarres
Latitude: 33° 55.0559' S     Longitude:: 18° 26.9545' W
Tirant d'eau max: 5.00 mètres     Longueur max: 199.00 mètres


  • Eau potable Eau potable
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Electricité Electricité
  • Pharmacie Pharmacie
  • Laverie automatique Laverie automatique
  • Location de voitures Location de voitures
  • Marché Marché
  • Surveillance Surveillance

Comentaires récents sur Hout Bay Yacht Club Marina

Ladies and Gentlemen We will cross the South-Atlantik from Piriapolis, Uruguay, to Cape Town in the time of january to february 2015. Our approximate arrivel time in Cape Town would be about the 20 of february 2015. We would like to stay in South Africa for a couple of month. So, we are in search for a berth for our 38 " Sailingvessel. Is it possible to get a free berth in your Marina for this time? We also are pleasent to confirm our agreement with a payment in advence, if it is necessary. Name of the Vessel: OMOO FAA, Registration/Port: Switzerland Basel Type of Vessel: Aluminium Sailingyacht 38" Dimensions: Lenght of hull: 11.85 m / breadth: 3.25 m / draught: 1.60 m / displacement: 8 t Please acknowledge receipt of this request and let us know, if you need any further Information for a reservation. Kind regards Frank Spring


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