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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Yacht details

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Valencia Yacht Base is the new Super-yachts to dock the RCNV. With its special configuration and fingers concrete pontoons and floating the early realization of the ISPS certificate, stormed the stage to become a luxury base for super-yachts, reference internationally. It has over 236 berths for boats up to 120 meters in length and a maximum depth of 9 meters. The moorings are divided into four bays: Honor Pier, which provides an added level of security with restricted access to parking, piers and jetties. The Honor Pier will be enhanced with an entertaiment lounge for captains and crews; the North Pier and East Pier, where there is a recreation area with attractive gardens, barbecue area, beach volleyball and basketball court; South Pier has a covered area and parking space. In Valencia Yacht Base offers a wide range of services: access to showers and changing rooms, toilets, Wi-Fi, weather information, restaurants and cafes, commercial shopping and nautical services, mail services, covered parking, and assistance with health services. Additionally our hospitality desk provides dedicated customer service to assist with transfers, reservations, and rentals. Facilities also feature firefighting services, a heliport, individual alongside berthing, TriPhase 630 amps connection, internet and TV connection, tank fueling, maintenance and repair, and legal and administrative services.ond home.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Valencia Yacht Base (RCNV Ampliación) Camino Canal, 91 46024 Valencia (Spain)
Radio channel: 9
Slips: 236 slips
Latitude:: 39° 25.4158' N     Longitude:: 0° 19.3892' W
Draught max: 9.00 meters     Length max: 120.00 meters


  • Sporting activities Sporting activities
  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Harbor Master Harbor Master
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Sailing school Sailing school
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Hibernation Hibernation
  • Weather info Weather info
  • Ramp Ramp
  • Waste collection Waste collection
  • Bilge collection Bilge collection
  • Residual water collection Residual water collection
  • Fire procedures Fire procedures
  • Service station Service station
  • Shipyard Shipyard
  • Dressing rooms Dressing rooms
  • Security Security
  • Carpentry Carpentry

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