Slips in A Coruña  (Galicia, Spain)
Slips in Club Náutico Caramiñal
A Pobra do Caramiñal pertenece a la provincia de A Coruña. Sus arenales y playas, los roquedos que se invaden suavem...
Slips in Marina Muros
Mura Marina belongs to the Association of Marine Galicia, offering not only shelter for boats, whether or motor Ave...
Slips in Marina Coruña
The marina Marina Coruña is located in A Coruña (Spain). All guests who moor there will have access to very basic s...
Slips in Marina Muxía (Cataventos S.L.N.E)
Marina started its activity Muxia offering boaters a gifted all port facilities and services in the heart of \"Costa d...
Club Náutico de Boiro
Always in a state of expansion, Boiro Yacht Club (A Coruña) plans to expand its number of berths and the size of them...
Clube Nautico Deportivo de Riveira
O Clube Náutico Deportivo de Riveira fundouse no mes de Setembro de mil novecentos setenta e dous, fai xa trinta e oi...
Marina Real
The marina in Spain in the city of A Coruña has a highly varied range of services available to its customers, ...
El Club Náutico Deportivo Barraña
The Yacht Club Deportivo Barraña way is to become a benchmark in the nautical world of the Ria de Arosa. With classro...
Real Club Náutico de La Coruña
The marina in Spain in the city of A Coruña has a complete range of services available to its customers, which includ...