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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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Megayates Navy to have the most exclusive services and care for their customers. Vilanova Grand Marina-Barcelona is the first marina in the Mediterranean conceived and designed exclusively for superyachts, with specialised facilities and all-round services to accommodate these types of vessels. Since we opened in April 2009, Vilanova Grand Marina-Barcelona has rapidly earned the recognition and support of the industry and is now considered an international benchmark thanks to our specialisation, the quality of our services and our privileged location. It is ideal as a home port as it provides all the technical services that superyachts and their crew might require on a daily basis. It is also ideal as a marina for temporary mooring, attending to the needs of the crew and offering all necessary services for the final preparation of yachts. Committed to preserving the environment, Vilanova Grand Marina-Barcelona is governed by a comprehensive environmental programme implemented throughout the marina.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Moll de Ponent s/n 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
Radio channel: 9
Slips: 49 slips
Latitude:: 41° 12.6529' N     Longitude:: 1° 43.8124' E
Draught max: 6.50 meters     Length max: 80.00 meters


  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Diving Diving
  • Harbor Master Harbor Master
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Crane Crane
  • 200 Tn 200 Tn
  • Laundry Laundry
  • Travelift Travelift
  • Cantidad: 2 Cantidad: 2
  • 820 Tn 820 Tn
  • Waste collection Waste collection
  • Bilge collection Bilge collection
  • Residual water collection Residual water collection
  • Fire procedures Fire procedures
  • Seamanship Seamanship
  • Service station Service station
  • Shipyard Shipyard
  • Dressing rooms Dressing rooms
  • Security Security
  • Carpentry Carpentry

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