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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The marina in Australia in the city of Soldiers Point has a complete range of services available to its customers, which include water, electricity and gas station. The marina can also provide its customers nautical services which may be of use. On the other hand, the marina also has the necessary infrastructure to attend to users who do not need a mooring and only require a place to set into the water for an occasional excursion and will then trailer their boat on dry land at the marina. Well connected and not only accessible by sea, it is also close to the nearest airport.


Adres: Sunset Boulevarde, Soldiers Point (Australia)
Radiozender:: Niet beschikbaar
Ligplaatsen: 100 Ligplaatsen
Breedte:: 32° 42.0743' S     Lengte:: 152° 3.6606' E
Diepgang max: 5.00 meter     Lengte max: 45.00 meter


  • Drinkbaar water Drinkbaar water
  • Bank Bank
  • Bar / Restaurant Bar / Restaurant
  • Elektriciteit Elektriciteit
  • Tankstation Tankstation
  • Was Was
  • Helling Helling
  • Service station Service station
  • Scheepswerf Scheepswerf
  • Kleedkamers Kleedkamers
  • Beveiliging Beveiliging
  • Certificaat van de middelen Certificaat van de middelen

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