Amarres en Aylmer Marina
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(Aylmer, Quebec, Canadá)
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Marina de Canada situada en la localidad de Aylmer, cuenta con una gama de servicios variada a disposición de sus clientes. .
Para aquellos interesados en disfrutar del mar realizando deporte pueden solicitar información en la marina sobre las actividades deportivas que organiza. Bien comunicada, no solo se puede acceder por mar sino que está próximo al aeropuerto más cercano.
david whitehead
Good morning. Thank you for contacting Please send us the details of your boat (length, width and depth) the dates and the port where you want to make the reservation, as well as a mail or contact number to send the budget. Our mail: or by calling (+34) 902 091 582 Thank you!
luc alain
Hi, I'm thinking of purchasing a sailboat but would like to find out what it costs to dock and set aside in winter. Best regards, Luc
l understand seasonal berths have a five year waiting list. What would l need to do to get a "hook" ie. a mooring buoy out in the river ? Any information that you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave Whitehead.